Random moments. Cuban pianist Roberto Fonseca's band had just played the opening set on the first night on the Garden Stage. |
Signed CDs. |
Press creds. |
Wandering the fairgrounds before the Festival opens. The Arena seats thousands. It's a fancy-schmancy place. The seating is rows of metal chairs tied together. The floor is covered with a thick layer of sawdust. There is no ceiling. Planes fly directly overhead, low and loud, on their way to and from the nearby Monterey Airport. |
The Garden Stage and some of the oaks for which the Festival grounds are famous. |
The dining room, not yet set up. |
It takes a long time to cook ribs properly, so he starts early in the day. Wish I'd snapped this a few seconds sooner, when he lifted the lid of the cooker to a billow of smoke as large as the cloud overhead. |
Dave Holland (l) with the Craig Taborn Quartet: Dave King, Chris Lightcap, Craig Taborn, and Chris Speed. Photo by Louise Holland. Dave King sent it to me because he's wearing a scarf I loaned him after the Quartet played. |
buses. A collaboration between Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST) and the Monterey
Jazz Festival, these colorful buses have run daily year-round since 2012 along
the first Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor in Monterey County. The 30 new bus
shelters are a linear jazz museum, with vintage photos from the Monterey Jazz
Archives and descriptive text by jazz writer Bill Minor. Each has a bar code
that can be scanned with a smart phone to link to a live recording of a
performance from a particular year of the Festival. Photos: Monterey-Salinas
Dr. Lonnie Smith (l) came to hear Willard Jenkins (c) interview Lonnie's old friend, NEA Jazz Master Lou Donaldson (r). Lonnie and Lou played together for many years; Lou joined Lonnie for a set at the Festival's final show in Dizzy's Den. |
Crowds. |
Kids. |
Visiting the exhibit "Brubeck at Monterey: Six Decades of Excellence" in the Coffee House Gallery and finding something you've written. |
All photos by John Whiting and Pamela Espeland unless otherwise indicated.
Monterey 56 2013, a photo set on Flickr.
I knew you'd like the quote! A portion was also included in the 2002-2009 overview section. Russell Gloyd and Richard Jeweler from Brubeck Inc. really loved the exhibit.