When: 12/31/07
Where: The Artists' Quarter
Who: Carole Martin (voice), Phil Aaron (piano), Tom Lewis (bass), Kenny Horst (drums); later in the evening: Dean Magraw (guitar)
Tom Surowicz previewed this event for the Strib: "If you like 'Come Rain or Come Shine' as much as 'Auld Lang Syne,' classy swingin' singer Carole Martin will once again bring in the new year with ageless tenor sax wonder Irv Williams. The faces in the crowd tend to be familiar from one year to the next, the ample snack foods are free with your cover charge, the usual party favors (hats, blowers, balloons, shakers) abound, and a comfy time is had by all."
If "comfy" means a warm welcome at the door from Davis Wilson, reasonable drinks, good music, and good friends, I'm all for it. Irv Williams double-booked himself at Il Vesco Vino and didn't show, and we all missed him, but Dean Magraw stepped in toward the end of the evening and the music was top-notch all night long, with Dawn Horst joining her mom Carole Martin on stage for several songs. The AQ is my favorite New Year's Eve destination. Long may its doors in the basement of the Hamm Building remain open.
Photo, L to R: Phil, Carole, Dawn, Tom, Kenny
Hey Pamela, That was a great night. We didn't get home 'til 4 am